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PAID Rules - Fivem Keymaster Resources

ToxicFivemToxicFivem is verified member.

Staff member
Rules - Fivem Keymaster Resources

Rules - 1

The Creator price of the Shared Post and the price you want will be clearly stated.

Rules - 2
It is mandatory to add your keymaster username for the sales product you are sharing and a screenshot showing that the script can be transferred.

You can share the sale ad you created as a link in our Discord
Link hidden for visitors, to see Log in or register now.


Theme customization

"From this menu, you can customize certain areas of the forum theme to your preference."

Choose the color that reflects your taste.

Wide / Narrow view

You can check a structure that allows you to use your theme in a wide or narrow view.

Grid view forum list

You can control the layout of the forum list in grid or regular listing style.

Image grid mode

You can control the structure that allows you to show or hide images in the grid forum list.

Close the sidebar

By closing the sidebar, you can have a wider view of the forum.

Fixed sidebar

By fixing the sidebar, you can make it more useful and ease your access.
