AK4Y HUD | Free | Leak | ESX - QBCORE | Fivem Scripts
- All changes are saved and become active every time you enter the game.
- On Hud you can edit the location of all status and speedometers on the screen.
- You can edit the position of the game's minimap on the screen
- 2 different watermarks
- 10 completely different beautifully designed status styles
- A total of 5 selectable speedometers for general vehicles
- 3 different speedometers for different aircraft such as ships, bicycles, helicopters and airplanes
- Interaction menu on top of the map, media player for you to open a song (everyone next to you can hear the song you open)
- In the on-map interaction menu, games panel; you can play html based games from this panel.
- On-map interaction menu, vehicle panel; From this panel you can open and close the doors/neon of your vehicle.
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