You Can Get the Script for Free from Tebex
After purchasing the script, you can download it as ESX or QBCore from your Keymaster account.
Simply place the script in the resource folder and start it.
About the Script:
For Support and Questions:Feel free to leave a comment or visit our Discord server:
After purchasing the script, you can download it as ESX or QBCore from your Keymaster account.
Simply place the script in the resource folder and start it.
About the Script:
- You can travel to any location in the city by purchasing a ticket.
- If the spawn point is occupied, vehicles in the spawn area will be automatically removed.
- You can add new bus stops.
- You can configure whether the bus driver NPC follows traffic rules.
- You can set the price per kilometer in the config file.
For Support and Questions:Feel free to leave a comment or visit our Discord server:
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Config = {}
Config.TrafficRules = false -- If set to true, the NPC will follow traffic rules; if set to false, it will not.
Config.NPC = "a_m_o_genstreet_01"
Config.Vehicle = "bus"
Config.Speed = 25.0
Config.BlipSprite = 513
Config.BlipScale = 0.6
Config.BlipColour = 18
Config.KMPrice = 10 -- The price applied per KM is $10.
Config.VehicleRemovalTime = 20000 -- Time in milliseconds (20000 ms = 20 seconds)
Config.Locations = {
Station = {
Name = "Pink Cage Motel",
Busticket = vector3(314.2181, -344.178, 46.673), -- Ticket Purchase Location
Busspawn = vector4(314.4667, -353.4184, 46.673, 530.831), -- Bus Spawn Point
Stoppoint = vector3(340.8064, -328.888, 50.609) -- Stop Point While Coming from Another Station
CityHall = {
Name = "Car Dealership",
Busticket = vector3(-79.02856, -1031.988, 28.23511), -- Ticket Purchase Location
Busspawn = vector4(-78.8911, -1022.57, 28.439, 250.831), -- Bus Spawn Point
Stoppoint = vector3(-76.6209, -1025.06, 28.345) -- Stop Point While Coming from Another Station
Strawberry = {
Name = "Southside",
Busticket = vector3(72.09081, -1714.44, 29.205), -- Ticket Purchase Location
Busspawn = vector4(125.3734, -1713.02, 29.267, 54.497), -- Bus Spawn Point
Stoppoint = vector3(71.79821, -1706.74, 28.890) -- Stop Point While Coming from Another Station
Pier = {
Name = "Del Perro Pier",
Busticket = vector3(-1635.82, -979.913, 13.017), -- Ticket Purchase Location
Busspawn = vector4(-1615.04, -977.85, 13.017, 321.012), -- Bus Spawn Point
Stoppoint = vector3(-1630.29, -979.361, 13.017) -- Stop Point While Coming from Another Station
Sandy = {
Name = "Sandy Shores",
Busticket = vector3(1709.751, 3587.497, 35.404), -- Ticket Purchase Location
Busspawn = vector4(1710.238, 3573.805, 35.902, 136.32), -- Bus Spawn Point
Stoppoint = vector3(1715.25, 3581.392, 35.906) -- Stop Point While Coming from Another Station
Paleto = {
Name = "Paleto",
Busticket = vector3(-450.82, 6012.99, 31.716), -- Ticket Purchase Location
Busspawn = vector4(-445.45, 6007.21, 31.716, 314.83), -- Bus Spawn Point
Stoppoint = vector3(-455.23, 6017.98, 31.716) -- Stop Point While Coming from Another Station
Config.Locale = {
Busticket = "[~g~E~s~] Buy a ticket",
menu_title = "Bus stops",
good_trips = "Good Trips",
spawn_point = "Please wait for the Next Bus to continue.",
blip = "Bus stop",
no_money = "You don't have enough money for this trip!",
pay_cash = "You paid $%d in cash.",
pay_bank = "You paid $%d from your bank account.",
vehicle_nearby = "A vehicle is too close to the ticket purchase area.",
spawn_blocked = "Spawn point is occupied by a vehicle. Please try again later.",
refund_error = "An error occurred while processing the refund.",
spawn_point_info = "Spawn point is occupied by a vehicle. Please try again later.",
vehicle_removal_soon = "There is a vehicle in the spawn area. It will be removed in 20 seconds.",
vehicle_removed = "Vehicles have been removed. You can now buy a ticket."
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