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  1. ESX
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Disable the AFK idle camera in FiveM with this simple script. Prevent automatic camera switching when a player is idle. Works with any FiveM server, including qb-core and ESX frameworks. Paste into client.lua and restart.

Detailed Guide: How to Disable AFK Camera in FiveM

What is the AFK Camera in FiveM?

By default, GTA V automatically enables an AFK idle camera when a player stays inactive for some time. This can be annoying for roleplay and PvP servers where players may need to remain idle for a while. With this script, you can completely disable the idle camera in FiveM.

How to Disable the AFK Camera in FiveM

Step 1: Copy the Code

Add the following code to your client.lua file:
    while true do

Step 2: Add the Code to Your Client Script

  • Navigate to your FiveM server’s client-side script directory.
  • Open client.lua (or create one if it doesn’t exist).
  • Paste the above code inside client.lua.

Step 3: Restart Your Server

After adding the script, restart your FiveM server to apply the changes.

  • If you are testing locally, restart your FiveM client and reconnect to the server.
  • If your server uses qb-core or ESX, ensure that the script is correctly placed within the client-side resources.

How the Script Works

This script uses two native GTA V functions to disable the idle camera permanently:

  • InvalidateIdleCam() – Prevents the camera from activating when a player is idle.
  • InvalidateVehicleIdleCam() – Stops the automatic camera movement when inside a vehicle.
  • Citizen.Wait(10000) – Runs the script every 10 seconds to ensure the idle camera stays disabled.

Final Thoughts

Disabling the AFK camera is essential for servers that prioritize immersion and prevent automatic camera switching during roleplay or PvP. By following this guide, you can easily integrate this small but effective feature into your FiveM server.

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