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Download the QB-Core Job Garage script for FiveM, supporting LSPD, EMS, Sheriff, and more. Easily configure multiple job garages via config.lua. Follow our guide to install and set up custom job-specific garages.

Detailed Guide: How to Install QB-Core Job Garage for FiveM

What is QB-Core Job Garage?

The QB-Core Job Garage script allows roleplay jobs such as LSPD, EMS, Sheriff, and other whitelisted roles to have their own job-specific garages. It enables realistic vehicle management for different jobs, allowing players to spawn, store, and manage job vehicles.

Supports Multiple Jobs (LSPD, EMS, Sheriff, etc.)
Fully Configurable via config.lua
Optimized for QB-Core Servers
Job-Specific Vehicle Access
Easy Expansion for New Jobs

How to Download & Install QB-Core Job Garage?

Step 1: Click the Download Link

This file contains the latest QB-Core job-specific garage script.

Step 2: Move the Script to Your FiveM Server

  1. Extract the qb-jobgarage.zip file.
  2. Move the qb-jobgarage folder to your FiveM server’s resources directory:
  3. Code:

Step 3: Add the Script to server.cfg

To enable the script, open your server.cfg file and add the following line:
ensure qb-jobgarage

Step 4: Configure the Job Garages

  1. Open the config.lua inside qb-jobgarage.
  2. You can add or remove job garages by modifying the configuration file.
  3. Set up job-specific vehicles, locations, and permissions.
  4. Example format for adding a garage:
Config.enablepayment = true -- Change into true to charge for cars
Config.savecar = false -- Change this to true if you want to save the car in database
Config.UseCarItems = false -- Change into true if you want to use trunk items. Look down for Config.CarItems to set up items
Config.CustomExtras = true -- Set this true if you want custom car extra's. Look down for Config.CarExtras to set up extras
Config.CustomLivery = false -- Set this true if you want custom livery for your cars. Look down for Config.CarExtras to set up livery
Config.MaxMod = true -- Set this to true if you want your vehicle max modded. Look down for Config.CarMods to enable / disable the desired parts to max mod
Config.fuelsystem = "origen_fuel" -- Set your fuel system, LegacyFuel, ps-fuel or other fuel system

Garage = {
    ["pdhq"] = {
        jobname = "police", -- Job name for this garage
        plateprefix = "POLI", -- Set plate prefix, max 4 letters
        spawnloc = vector4(447.7481, -1020.19, 28.498, 88.0), -- Spawn location of the car
        spawnheading = 49.96, -- heading of the car
        viewcoords = vector3(447.7482, -1020.19, 28.498), -- Point where the camera is headed to
        camcoords = vector3(451.19, -1014.72, 29.97), -- Place where the camera stands
        pedhash = 's_m_y_hwaycop_01', -- ped to be used
        pedlocation = vector4(445.37, -1012.3, 27.54, 181.81), -- location of the ped
        list = { -- list of cars to be used in this garage
            ["01"] = {
                model = "polcoach",
                label = "Polis Otobüs",
                rank = { 0, 1, 2, 3},
                price = 0,
            ["02"] = {
                model = "poldurango",
                label = "Polis Jeep",
                rank = { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                price = 0,
        CarItems = { -- list of items to put inside the vehicles for this garage
            [1] = {
                name = "heavyarmor",
                amount = 2,
                info = {},
                type = "item",
                slot = 1,

Step 5: Restart Your FiveM Server

Once you’ve configured the script, restart your FiveM server to apply the changes.

Final Thoughts

The QB-Core Job Garage script is a must-have for realistic job management in FiveM roleplay servers. It allows jobs like police, EMS, and sheriff departments to have designated garages for their vehicles, making roleplay more immersive.

🔹 Want to add more jobs? Customize the script using the config.lua file and create unlimited job garages! 🚀
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