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Code Snippet All Fivem Commands



All Fivem Commands
❗ Commands
/admin - opens the admin menu
/blips - toggles player blips
/names - toggles player names
/coords - shows your current coords
/maxmods - sets vehicle to max mods
/noclip - toggles noclip
/admincar - adds current vehicle to garage
/announce [message] - creates an announcement
/report [message] - create a report to staff
/reportr [message] - replies to a user report
/reporttoggle - opt in/out of receiving player reports
/staffchat [message] - sends a staff-only message
/warn [id] [reason] - warn a player
/checkwarns [id] [opt: number] - view a warning for a given player
/delwarn [id] [number] - deletes a warning from a player
/givenuifocus [id] [hasFocus] [hasCursor] - Sets nuifocus state for player
/setmodel [model] [id] - changes the players ped model
/setspeed [opt: speed] - sets players foot speed
/kickall - kick all players from server
/setammo [amount] [opt: weapon] - set weapon ammo
/vector2 - Copies vector2 to clipboard
/vector3 - Copies vector3 to clipboard
/vector4 - Copies vector4 to clipboard
/heading - Copies heading
/tp [id / x] [opt: y] [opt: z]- teleport to player or location
/tpm - teleport to a marked location
/togglepvp - toggle PVP on server
/addpermission [id] [permission] - gives a player a permission
/removepermission [id] [permission] - removes a player permission
/openserver - open the server for everyone
/closeserver [reason] - close the server for people without permission
/car [model] - spawns a vehicle
/dv - delete vehicle
/givemoney [id] [type] [amount] - give money to a player
/setmoney [id] [type] [amount] - set the amount of money a player has
/job - display your current job
/setjob [id] [job] [grade] - sets a players job
/gang - display your current gang
/setgang [id] [gang] [grade] - sets a players gang
/clearinv [opt: id]- clears a players inventory
/ooc [message] - ooc chat command
/me [message] - shows a message above your head
/911e [message] - sends a message to EMS
/status - check the status of the nearest player
/heal - heals the nearest player
/revivep - revives the nearest player
/revive - revive yourself
/setpain [opt: id] - sets the pain level to the player
/kill [opt: id] - kills the player
/aheal [opt: id] - heals a player
/911p [message] - sends an alert to the police
/spikestrip - Place a spike strip
/grantlicense [id] [license] - give a player a license
/revokelicense [id] [license] - remove a player's license
/pobject [type] - allows officer to spawn an object
/cuff - cuff the nearest player
/sc - soft cuff the nearest player
/escort - escort the nearest player
/callsign [name] - allows officer to set a callsign
/jail - sends nearest player to jail
/unjail [id] - unjail a player
/clearcasings - clears bullet casings in the area
/clearblood - clears blood drops in the area
/seizecash - seize cash from the nearest player
/cam [id] - allows officer to see cam footage from selected spots
/flagplate [plate] [reason] - allows speed cameras to find a plate flagged
/unflagplate [plate] - removes the flag from the plate
/plateinfo [plate] - shows the info of the plate
/depot [price] - allows officer to impound vehicle for a price
/impound - impounds a vehicle without a price
/paytow [id] - pays the tow driver $500
/paylawyer [id] - pays a lawyer $500
/anklet - adds a tracking device to the closest player
/ankletlocation [cid] - shows the location of the player
/takedrivinglicense - takes the players drivers license
/takedna [id] - takes the players dna
/givecash - gives the player an amount of cash
/drivinglicense - give player a license after a driving test
/binds - allows you to set customs key binds
/divingsuit - uses the diving suit
/newdoor - opens UI for creating new door
/doordebug - debug for doorlocks
/newdealer - creats a new dealer at a location (front door of house)
/deletedealer - deales a saved dealer
/dealers - show list if info on dealers
/dealergoto - teleport to dealer
/cleargarbroutes - removes garbo routes for user
/removestand - removes a hotdog stand
/decorate - opens decorate menu/options
/createhouse - creates a house at location
/addgarage - adds garage at location
/ring - rings a doorbell at location
/cash - displays current cash amount
/bank - displays current bank amount
/dev - displays a dev icon
/resetinv - resets inventory on stash/trunk/glovebox
/rob - robs closest player
/giveitem - gives item to a player
/randomitems - gives random items to a player
/cancelrace - cancel the current race
/togglesetup - turn on or off race setup
/setvehiclestatus - sets the vehicles status
/setmechanic - give someone the mechanic job
/firemechanic - fire a mechanic
/logout - logout of current character
/closeNUI - closes the multicharacter NUI
/newscam - gives player a a news camra
/newsmic - gives player a news microphone
/newsbmic - gives player a boom microphone
/setmetadata - sets the players metadata
/bill - sends a bill* /invoice to player
/getintrunk - Gets in the trunk
/putintrunk - puts a player in the trunk (kidnap)
/resetarmor - resets the armor
/resetparachute - resets a parachute
/testwebhook - test to see if webhook for logs is working
/id - displays your id
/createrace - starts a street race
/stoprace - stops current street race
/quitrace - quits the current street race
/startrace - starts the current street race
/npc - Toggles a tow job from a npc
/tow - puts closes vehicle on flatbed (must be behind truck)
/multikeys - gives keys to another player
/fix - fixes current vehicle
/engine - toggles engine on/off
/givekeys - gives keys to a player
/addkeys - adds keys to that player
/removekeys - removes keys from player
/transferVehicle - gift or sell your vehicle to someone
/repairweapon - repairs a weapon

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